Prof martin's voice change casebook

You, or a parent, can e-mail me at
I will happily answer any queries and give some suggestions. You might become one of these cases!
No question is ever too simple or too stupid! In fact there are all sorts of weird and wrong beliefs about boys' singing voices because people are afraid to ask. Don't be! This is the myth-busting page.
FAQs. Everything on this page really happened. I have chosen these cases carefully because, collectively they represent the most frequently asked questions. I have changed the time and place where they happened to preserve anonymity, but the science is exactly how it was.
Your chances are about 50:50! I'd need to know more about you, your choir, your choir director and singing teacher if you have one.
You'd be surprised at how often this happens! What do you think you are and what do you want to be?
I wonder why they said that. Are you sure you auditioned in the right voice? Have you tried other voices?
Well, I'm very pleased for you but a bit surprised as you're fourteen and a half and your voice is changing.
Sounds like you've noticed your voice is changing and that's worrying you. I hope you're not thinking about doing anything stupid!
Have you got an issue like this, or is there something that's worrying you about when and how your voice is changing? I'd be happy to answer your query although if you are under eighteen you must tell your parents and obtain their permission to e-mail. You will need to tell me briefly what your issue is and send me as a minimum an mp3 recording of yourself counting backwards from twenty, your age in years and months and your height.